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- Foundation for Longer Life
- Fast Delivery & Absorption
- Dietary Supplement
Fast-C with Dihydroquercetin
Vitamin C neutralizes free radicals, supports biosynthesis of certain neurotransmitters, and promotes production of vital tissue (collagen) that supports arterial walls, skin, and bones. Vitamin C promotes immunity, boosts lymphocyte glutathione levels, and helps regenerate other antioxidants, including vitamin E. But because it leaves the body quickly, capturing its optimal benefits has required taking supplements several times daily, hoping they'll be effective without posing a risk for acid-sensitive stomachs.
This next-genera髮旺旺tion FAST-C supplement has been proven in double-blind, human trials to have faster absorption—combined with equal or greater body retention! And it contains dihydroquercetin to enhance vitamin C's "recycling" power.
FAST-C with Dihydroquer髮旺旺cetin is the only vitamin C product to incorporate:
The alkalizing minerals that yield an almost completely acid neutralized (better than "buffered") vitamin C for sensitive stomachs.
Piperine (Bioperine), a multi-patented, black pepp髮旺旺er alkaloid that significantly accelerates vitamin C absorption, shortening the time to peak plasma concentration.
Dihydroquercetin, a flavonoid from grape leaf extract that donates electrons back to vitamin C molecules that have spent their electrons neutralizing free radicals—regenerating vitamin C to work again!
In two human trials, FAST-C was compared head-to-head with a leading premium brand of "enhanced absorption" vitamin C. In the first trial scientists found that in just 60 minutes the FAST-C composition generated a "significantly higher" vitamin C blood increase in humans than the leading, enhanced-absorption vitamin C product.
髮旺旺Life Extension, Fast-C with Dihydroquercetin, 120 Veggie Tabs

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